Looking Forward

The combination of LitfestEU and Gala projects made for a memorable week. Now a successful bid to carry on from the previous successes, the birth of Cook and Book. It may be stretching it to regard cooking as art, but as the saying goes, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The end product is envisaged as being a combination of several forms of expressing the variety of ways to present food internationally and historically. 

Led by the Litfest committee and the keen enthusiasm of the community it is hoped that 2020 will be remembered for the final event for Cook and Book.

Since June festival, the Voulmentin group has been busy.

This is the best place to share some of our experiences.

Cork 2018

November is probably not the best time of year to visit this intriguing city. Sunshine was in short supply. As part of the Erasmus + project, members of the Voulmentin community visited to take part in the Winter Warmer festival and to share the poetry of a city where everyone is a poet. Undaunted by the wet, it was a fantastic experience.

English Market